Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts

1.) I went to Provincetown for Mother's Day and had so much fun; we had brunch at The Red Inn and then hung out on the beach for awhile. I got some great pictures and video that I'll work on editing when I have the time.

2.) Speaking of video editing, I got the 30 day trial of Final Cut Pro. I swear to God man, this program. It's wondrous. It brings tears to my eyes. I mean I have no idea how to use it, but still. The only problem is that it costs $300, so I'm savoring my time with it right now.

3.) I watched the pilot for the new TV series Fargo and I actually really love it? I feel a little bad watching it because I haven't seen the movie, so I'll get on that stat. But like, I usually hate Martin Freeman yet here he's perfect, and Billy Bob Thornton's character is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters of all time. Moral ambiguity and philosophizing and sass and nice coats oh my oh my. Good artistic direction too. We'll see where this goes.

4.) Speaking of TV shows, should I watch Firefly? It seems to be one of those shows that has a cult following and it has Casey from Chuck soooooo. If you've watched it comment below!

5.) I actually finished my homework tonight. *Pause for gasps* So I set up a sister Tumblr for this blog called Salt Skin Vagabond. It's nice having my photos large format and I like how much easier it is to get content out there on Tumblr. Follow me if you wish ;)

6.) Now to books: I recently read Junichiro Tanizaki's short essay on Japanese aesthetic and beauty and the effects Westernization has had titled In Praise of Shadows, and it was amazing and really eye-opening about a lot of things. His writing style is very stream of consciousness; it's not a typically structured essay, but he writes elegantly and concisely. It's only forty pages so I would recommend picking it up and taking a quick read: it's worth it. I'll probably write a little thoughts/review piece later this week.

7.) It just so happens that I had another Tanizaki book on my bookshelf (I'm the youngest in the family so literature tends to get mysteriously handed down) titled Seven Japanese Tales. I'm not quite finished yet, but it's a collection of seven short stories of varying lengths that Tanizaki wrote throughout his career. They're a little bit...disorienting, a little bit obscene, and a little bit beautiful all at once. I'll write a review when I'm done but reading Japanese literature has really started to get me thinking about the differences between Eastern and Western writing, and more broadly culture and philosophy. It's definitely something I would take a class in at some point, and maybe even pursue on my own- I've always been interested in the topic.

8.) I've become a bit obsessed with reading Wikipedia bios of famous directors, and I've noticed a common thread: they all seem to live before they start getting into film. And what I mean by that is that they haven't necessarily been making films since a young age: most I've seen didn't even go to film school until an older age, if at all. As a group, they have the most interesting adventures and life stories of any other people I've heard about, and I find this extremely encouraging. I feel like there's this constant pressure to be the best and youngest, but in film it seems people don't rush it. They live a little first. I guess it's hard to make films from a very young age, like some people are ballerinas or singers, so it gives you time. It got me thinking about how I want to live and learn from my experiences, and develop, what kind of adventures I want to have. I think I'll probably take a gap year, and hopefully spend it abroad (I'm thinking England). I need to do more research, and I still have two years, so I'll check back with that.

9.) My new makeup obsession is copper eyeliner on the lower lash line, if anyone cares. It's subtle but makes you look a lot more awake (especially when you were up until one writing an essay) and if you have green eyes it really brings out the color.

10.) meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow 

Christine at Bookishly Boisterous hosts this meme, so go check her out and write your own 10 thoughts, then link up with her!


  1. #3 -- Does the TV show follow the movie in some way? I never watched the movie, but I'm curious about it :)

    #4 -- Yes :) I love sci-fi but I'm not big on Westerns and yet it works here (not to mention it's hilarious and there's a ton of great moments and the cast is awesome)

    1. As I understand it the tv show is its own story but has little nods to the movie- I'm interested to watch the movie and compare.

  2. #3 - really hoping that that series comes to Australia. get on the movie of Fargo, pronto! It's seriously good.

    #9 - my latest is midnight blue nail polish...

  3. Firefly....YES YES YES :)


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